PComp Lab 6: Return of the Synthesis

This week we were asked to continue the work that started in synthesis, and use serial communication in order to control a program we have made for Intro to Computational Media. I got a little excited about what I’ve been trying to make for my current homework, so I decided I was going to try and co-develop them.

I’m having a lot of fun playing around with the p5.sound library, so I decided to try and make a physical interface for my program. Two sliders and a button. One slider controls volume, one controls the rate of playback, and the button triggers a sound to play.

Really, I wound up re-using most of my code from synthesis, on both the arduino side and the p5 side. Just toss that in there and…

…not so fast!

I have no idea why this was happening, but I was crashing the online p5 editor with my arduino-controlled program. Our original synthesis program was running just fine. But this new one I made seemed to create strange errors and make the browser hang. Though, for whatever reason, this did NOT affect the p5 application. As you can see, that one is running and receiving data just fine.


Spent a little too much time trying to trouble shoot that before just sticking with the app as opposed to the web. I will definitely want to show this to some p5 people to see if they know what might have happened. But I had a working program, even if it was on a different platform.

Holding down the button re-triggers the playback as fast as p5 can handle, which is usually a glitch for certain kinds of button based inputs. But in this case, made for more of a tonal interaction as opposed to percussive. In the sense of performative capabilities, I thought this was the better choice for now.