Networked Thermostat: Adventures in IoT

For our final project in Connected Devices, we were tasked with creating an IoT Thermostat that had a physical UI and temperature sensor built in.

This was achieved using Node and an i2c ADC on a Raspberry Pi W. This was done with lots of amazing example code from Tom Igoe, a few repos in particular:

Our challenge was to have a device that would post the current temperature to a web server for a week. The twist being that we were going to be under attack by a red team trying to hack our devices.

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Connected Devices Homework 2

I’ve been working a lot with MIDI lately, doing many little experiments with WebMIDI.js. Our homework for this week was to make a web interface to interact with an existing IoT lighting device, so I decided to leverage my experience and make a mashup.

Here is the MIDI Phillips Hue control:

And another after the break:

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Connected Devices Homework 1

Our first assignment in Connected Devices was to make a basic web server with node.js and express.js, with three end points.

I had originally tried to make this a musical project, where different musical sequences played on the server. The *music* part did not pan out (a fight for another day!) But the node server with endpoints exists.

One GET request gets the main webpage: /index.html
Another GET will tell the user the current sequence: /currentSequence
And a POST method via webpage sets the sequence: /readform

All of the functionality is pretty basic right now, but I’m hoping this can be the template for something more complicated in the future.

Here is the code currently:

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100 Days of Making: Creative Coding Communication Protocols

Excited to start my 100 Days of Making class. I’ve decided to do 100 days of creative coding communications protocols: things like MIDI, OSC, TCP/UDP, DMX, etc. that will be used in basic creative coding sketches. I’m hoping to make small sketches that can serve as small recipes or building blocks for using these protocols in creative coding exercises.

There are a few ways I’m looking at this.


One: Exploring how one messaging approach could be used in different creative coding approaches. Example: a MIDI “Note On” message could be used to change the color of a Processing Sketch, but also add circles to the screen, or scoot a box across a window, and so on.

Two: Exploring the protocols themselves. Not only is there a MIDI “Note On” message, but a “Note Off”, and a “Pitch”, and a “Velocity” message. Each aspect of a communications protocol can be utilized in different ways.

Three: Exploring different applications and devices communicating with each other. Ableton Live is a music program and can send and receive MIDI messages. Processing is a Java based creative coding library and IDE. I can send and receive from both, but there might be other programs, libraries, or languages I might want to use. Max MSP, Javascript, Lemur iOS/Android app, openFrameworks, Pure Data, and so on.

Four: Variations of all of the above. I might want to use hardware and software. I might have one application speaking to another, and a third speaking to the second, in a chain type organization. I might imagine a scenario where I want to send messages from a physical button using MIDI, to Max MSP, which sends OSC messages to devices on a network running a p5 sketch. Multiple devices and multiple applications in multiple permutations of sending, receiving, translating and displaying are possible.


I’m thinking of each of these potential approaches can yield unique attempts at a single day’s practice. In a way, I think it might be a little broad but I’m sure as time goes on I’ll find certain aspects more appealing and then dive deeper in that direction. (I’d also prefer to start out a little broad as opposed to realize at day 20 that I have nowhere else to go…)


We were asked to use Instagram as our delivery method. As such, I decided to start a new Instagram account for my projects and professional work. You can find it here:

And I’ll be posting under the hashtag #100days_ITP along with my colleagues.

I won’t be posting here on this blog daily, but intermittently I hope to be offering updates, thoughts and notes on my process. I think that using these communication and control protocols can be very useful in a creative coding practice, and can very much spice up what might otherwise be a run of the mill program or sketch. Specifically, live control of parameters by a performer can very much enhance a piece.

With this in mind, I’m hoping to relay some practical information about how to setup these things step by step. I’ll post these things here, as a resource for my coding colleagues. Blog posting these may be haphazard, but I’m hoping by the end of the course I can compile them into something more edited and cohesive. In the meantime, perhaps the individual tidbits of knowledge can serve as useful links for other people.

Example: want to use MIDI on macOS for a project? You will likely want to enable what is called the “IAC Driver”. Open the “Audio MIDI Setup” application, and go to Window>Show MIDI Studio. Double click the IAC Driver icon, and a window will pop up. “Device is Online” is unchecked by default. Check it to enable, and you will be able to use MIDI buses for your programs.


Excited to start my 100 days!

Temp Ex Final Blog Post: return me;

My final project for Temporary Expert was called “return;” (as opposed to my ‘preview’ presentation weeks ago called “return you;”). This was a series of objects that I created in order to learn about Event Scores, which are a series of instructions that are intended to be performed. They can be detailed or abstract, and performers are given agency to interpret them as they wish. Event Scores are usually brief in nature, with some consisting of only one word. One of the most notable instances of this is George Brecht’s Word Event:

George Brecht is the inventor of the Event Score, a concept that he developed while studying under John Cage at the New School for Social Research in New York City between 1958 and 1959. As he refined his concept, he became involved with the Fluxus, a “non-art” movement organized by George Maciunas. Event Scores were increasingly adopted by many other Fluxus artists.

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Poetics of Space Final Reflections

For my final project in Poetics of Space, I made a piece called monumoment. A portmentau of monument and moment, this piece creates a monument dedicated to the audience, memorializing the moment the audience engages with the work. I consider it a kind of sculpture and sound installation inside of a virtual reality space.

The technique involves recording audio from the user, using the Oculus Rift’s built in microphone. When a button is held down, the user can record themselves speaking. Upon release, that audio clip is saved in the program. I developed a system inside of Unity to do the following:

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Digi Fab final prototyping

For the final in Designing for Digital Fabrication, I’ll be refining my PComp “Mic Cuff” build into a more professional form. I needed to do my first 3D print ever. First off, measurements:





Then, after a mockup in Vectworks:


It took a little bit of finessing to get the print time down, but I wound up with a functional print at the end! Beginners luck? I’ll take it.





Pulling off the supports, and then trying to press in the buttons… turns out I didn’t give myself enough space for a proper “press fit”:





So it was dremel time!





There were some marks where the  supports were sanded away. It felt smooth enough, but I wanted to try getting it at smooth as possible, so I used the heat gun:





This didn’t smooth out the chalky parts, and started to warp the plastic itself (worst of both worlds) so I stopped. I started thinking about ways to secure the buttons into the freshly dremeled slots, and got an idea:

The PLA solvent could be used to bind the buttons into the slots, but also perhaps add a bit of gloss (or just get rid of the white residue).


After letting the solvent set, some of the buttons did pop out. So I will probably need to do some traditional epoxy glue instead. But for now, I’m pretty happy with how the first pass went. I’ll wire up the buttons and think about cable management for the next week.

Temp Ex; misc notes 11/10/17

Facebook Art Event Score:

I’m seeing more of what I might call “emergent” event scores on the internet. Here is a trend that has popped up in my Facebook feed:

This is the most succinct explanation of the rules I saw. Looks like an event score to me. Lots of different people and approaches on this came up over and over again:

Continue reading “Temp Ex; misc notes 11/10/17”

Temp Ex; misc notes 10/29/17

In the interest of showing my research process, I’ll add some bits and pieces here:

I found a pdf copy of The Fluxus Reader online. (If this needs to be taken down, please let me know and I’ll oblige) Plenty to digest here, so I’ll be picking at it as the rest of the semester goes on.

There are some typos in the PDF, I believe from OCR glitches. I’ve cleaned up a little bit, but some were a little too far gone for me to guess the original intent. Ken Friedman says this:

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